Origin of the Month

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Origin of the Month

Ethiopia Guji Dambi Uddo Natural


Here we find ourselves, coffee people, back in Ethiopia for another great coffee. It only makes sense though. Why should we not return frequently to the ancestral home of all arabica coffees, especially when the beans in this lot are of the heirloom varietal? It truly seems that Ethiopian coffees are never going to disappoint us.

The history of Ethiopian coffees is so rich. For instance, the people who grew, harvested, and processed this coffee; the Oromo people of the Guji Region, still use the same traditional growing methods that they did in the 10th century.

The coffee cherries chosen for this lot come from 450 small holder (less than 5 acres) farms. The farmers delivered the ripest cherries to the Dambi Uddo washing station. At the washing station, the cherries are floated in water. Any damaged or underweight cherries float to the
top and are removed. The remaining cherries (the best ones) are cleaned and then spread in a single layer in raised beds. The workers turn the cherries at regular intervals until they reach the desired moisture level.

This is called the Natural Process. It is the most common
processing method used for Ethiopian coffees. It is this process that brings to life the flavor notes that set these coffees apart from any others in the coffee world.

This coffee is so good. It is smooth, with a lighter body, and medium acidity. It is a must try for sure. While enjoying this coffee, those with more discerning palates may discover flavor notes of strawberry, dried fruit, rose, and green tea.


Origin of the Quarter

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Chelbesa G2


Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee. We’ve told you the story of the goat herder named Kaldi many times before. Kaldi lived and worked in what is today known as Yirgacheffe. It is believed that he observed his goats eating berries from a certain tree and that they became so energetic that they did not go to sleep that night.

Coffee grown worldwide can trace its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. While coffee in other parts of the world was introduced, in Ethiopia it evolved
naturally. The Premium Origin of the Quarter was shade-grown in the vicinity of a village called Chelbesa; famous for producing high quality coffee beans. This coffee was processed at the Chelbesa
wet-mill, using the natural process.

The natural process ensures that only the ripest coffee cherries are harvested. The drying process is long, comparatively, and can take up to four weeks. The cherries are dried just as they are with the
body of the cherry completely intact. Workers turn the cherries regularly to allow for even drying by increasing airflow and prevent spoilage. Once the cherries are dried, workers remove the beans from
the cherries and prepare them for export.

This coffee provides an experience. The aroma is so wonderful that when you smell it, you may find yourself drifting off to some heavenly wonderland. From the first sip to the last, you are transported
to coffee paradise. There is so much flavor in this coffee that we had to keep it at a lighter roast to preserve the flavors and bring you the best cup possible. This, coffee people, may very well be the best cup you have ever had. The cup score for this coffee is 88.5. You may taste notes of cinnamon, clove, hibiscus, lemon, pear and wine.